"Project management is all about creating team success... When I introduce project management to my students, I always tell them that my goal in the course is not just to teach them how to do project management. My goal is to change their lives." ~ Lisa Sieverts,...

Financial Fundamentals Course: Apply Today
APPLICATIONS DUE MARCH 1st The Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship will offer a hands-on course called Financial Fundamentals taught by Ann Connor, an award-winning business adviser and certified business coach. This six-part course starts on Monday, March 7,...

Transforming the Office, One Note at a Time
It’s time to vent about your office. Let’s face it, everything about it bugs you. You think your filing system was created by a hedge-maze designer. Accessing your co-worker’s documents is like breaking into the Louvre. Your backlog gets put into a pile as deep and...
Play is Serious Business! How Businesses & Organizations Can Benefit from the Arts
Originally Posted at Fear of Singing ... Many businesses — including Google, GE, Intel, Toms of Maine, as well as the U.S. Navy — have discovered that bringing creative arts into the workplace is more than a fun distraction or office party exercise. Art-making — be it...

5 Lessons for Successful Entrepreneurs from Hamdi Ulukaya
Originally published at benhrobertson.com Entrepreneurs must have passion and courage to start a new business -- leaving the safe way and doing what it takes to make something new is not easy. But as companies grow, the needs of the business change and when it comes...
Why We Procrastinate and What We Can Do About it
I’m a serious, lifelong, card-carrying procrastinator. But here it is 2 days before the...
Power of High Expectations
Low expectations are all around us and successful leaders know it. They also know it is their job to raise expectations and help people achieve more in their lives. Last week I listened to a powerful podcast on This American Life about Daniel Kish, a visually-impaired...
The Lure of Transformation
Allen Toussaint wrote one of my favorite songs: “Everything I Do Gohn Be Funky (From Now On).” If you haven’t heard it, I suggest that you Google Lee Dorsey’s original version from 1969. It is an ode to transformation; you can hear the swagger of someone who has...
Your Triggers at Work
Work life can be challenging to say the least, even downright precarious. Situations arise or are ongoing that have us feeling anxious, frustrated, jealous, scared as well as many other adverse emotions. In short, we get triggered. These feelings sometimes overtake us...
A Customer Walks Into Your Company….
A customer walks into your company and is greeted by two sales people. Sales person A says, “We offer quality customization and professional services that provide dependable solutions to meet customer needs. From simple to complex projects and products involving a...