Topics: Strategy, Management, Organizational Structure, Culture & Values, Early Stage Business Finances Bob is an industry veteran with both academic and private sector leadership experience. For over two decades, he has helped organizations find greater success...
by Evgeniya | Mar 19, 2023 | BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, Coaches
Topics: Business Valuation, Business Transition/Sales Tammy Richards is a business broker with Country Business, Inc., a regional brokerage firm assisting buyers and sellers throughout New England. Prior to joining Country Business, she worked at Pieciak &...
by Evgeniya | Mar 17, 2023 | Coaches, QUICKBOOKS/BOOKKEEPING
Topics: Bookkeeping, QuickBooks Online Pro Advisor Joe is the owner of The Square Books Bookkeeping Services. Joe has experience with start-ups, setting up QuickBooks, and keeping monthly accounts. He loves teaching how QuickBooks works and helping you stay organized...
by Evgeniya | Mar 15, 2023 | Coaches, Instructors, QUICKBOOKS/BOOKKEEPING
Lee Davis & Company Topics: Quickbooks Lee Davis & Company, a bookkeeping firm serving start-ups to mid-sized companies, delivers services tailored to the needs of young businesses and entrepreneurs. The firm offers effective, financial management solutions...
by Evgeniya | Mar 14, 2023 | Coaches, LEGAL
Topics: Legal Support for Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, Trade Secrets Mr. Grissett is an intellectual property lawyer that helps new and established enterprises protect their innovations, minimize intellectual property (IP) related risk, and enforce IP rights and...