Monadnock Business Solar Coaching Program


There has never been a better time to invest in solar because there are incentives to improve your ROI and now there are people in the region who can help coach businesses on what steps to take to add solar to their operations.  Keene’s Energy and Climate Committee is collaborating with the Monadnock Sustainability Hub and Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship to provide solar coaching to interested businesses in the region.

The solar coaching program connects area businesses interested in powering their operations with solar energy with business leaders who have gone through the process of selecting a solar contractor, installing solar on their own business property, and understanding the benefits to their business.

Solar coaches are:

  • Volunteers helping other businesses reach their solar goals.
  • Experienced business owners/managers who understand solar benefits, costs, and challenges.
  • Here to help you take the next steps!

Solar coaches can discuss your questions:

Rooftop Solar Array at located at Filtrine Manufacturing, Keene, NH.

  • Is my site suitable for a roof-top or ground-mounted array?
  • Which solar contractors operate in our area?
  • What grants or incentives are available to reduce the costs?
  • What financing options are available?
  • Will solar affect my current energy supplier’s contract?
  • How does net metering work?

Why choose solar for your business?

There has never been a better time for a business to invest in solar. Substantial decreases in cost, improved efficiency of solar and multiple financials incentives make solar a wise investment for any business with a roof or ground area that gets exposure to direct sunlight.

For example, a USDA program provides grants that cover 50% of project costs!

Connect with a Solar Coach!


Questions: Contact

This program is a partnership of the
Keene Energy and Climate Committee, the Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship, and the Monadnock Sustainability Hub.