Food Business Lab

Build the profitable food business of your dreams!

What is the Food Business Lab?

Food Business Lab is an 8 week business planning program with ongoing support that will change the course of your food startup. You will work with experienced coaches and facilitators to launch or grow your food business over the course of the class.

Who is the Food Business Lab™ for?

The Food Business Lab™ is for early-phase food and beverage entrepreneurs. This is defined as a range of businesses from those that are at the idea phase and have not yet started selling to those selling up to $5,000 per month in product. Food businesses can include value-added farm products, restaurants, food trucks, packaged food and value-added producers, artisanal beverages (including wine beer, mead, soda, and spirits), baked goods, pet treats, and more.

What: Hands-on exercises, learning tools, dialogue, access to seasoned entrepreneurs, accountability for completing a business case document and business case presentation, and building a peer network.

Why: Food Business Lab™ provides proven, practical business tools and builds confidence — you are the future of our local economy — and increases your chances for success significantly. Use Business Lab™ to build the vehicle to carry your idea, product, and dreams forward.

When: Eight class sessions over a eight-week period. Three hours of meeting time per class.

Where: The Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship, Keene, NH

Benefits of the Program

Food Business Lab™ for business is a collaborative program. You will work with the instructor and other participants to discuss your business and dive deeply into the components of your business. The instructor’s role is to help facilitate the discussion and offer insight, where helpful.

We also invite a number of community-based entrepreneurs to share their expertise and experience with either starting a business or supporting growing businesses. Guest speakers include business founders, service providers, working professionals, and all-around wise sages.

Food Business Lab™ offers an ideal setting for discovery, hands-on application of practical business tools, and the ability to clearly communicate the value of your product or service, and the benefits your business offers.

Clarity – You will leave knowing the answers to these questions:

  • Who is my target customer?
  • What value am I bringing to them?
  • Who are my critical partners in building this business? (hint: nobody builds a business in a vacuum)
  • What critical resources will I need?
  • How do I grow and scale my business?
  • How much cash do I really need to start and grow?
  • And more!


  • The network of fellow entrepreneurs will become your support system for years to come
  • You will have access to the network of business coaches at the Hannah Grimes Center

Program Components

(Class topics subject to change as needed to maximize the impact of the Business Lab™ experience)

Class 1

Introduction to Business Lab™

  • Introductions & class overview
  • Create mission, vision, and values
  • Determine the right legal structure for your business

Class 2

Customers & Branding

  • Create customer personas
  • Define your market
  • Establish the basics of brand: business name, logo, tagline

Class 3

Finances & Revenues

  • Price your products/services using competitor info
  • Build your revenue model
  • Create revenue projections

Class 4

Costs & Profitability

  • Determine your startup costs, COGS (cost of goods/services sold), and operating costs
  • Create expenses & profitability projections
  • Pitch practice: deliver your 3-minute pitch

Class 5

Essentials of Marketing & Sales

  • Build your marketing toolkit: website, core messages, 90-day plan
  • Choose your sales channels & methods
  • Craft your ask in your pitch

Class 6

Getting it All Done & the Next 90 Days

  • Learn project management skills
  • Map out your next 90 days

Class 7

Business Case & Pitch and Entrepreneur Roundtable

  • Turn in your completed business case
  • Pitch practice: deliver your full pitch
  • Talk with and learn from experienced entrepreneurs

Class 8

Pitch Event

  • Pitch your business to friends, family, and community members
  • Debrief and access your Business Lab experience


You should apply if:

  • You are passionate about your business idea and are serious about making it successful
  • You want to learn in a collaborative environment to take your idea to the next level
  • You are motivated to take action and breakthrough obstacles to grow your business
  • You are ready and willing to challenge yourself and step outside your comfort zone
  • You work collaboratively and recognize the benefit of sharing both success and failure to achieve success

Schedule, Cost, How to Apply


Dates for the 2025 Food Business Lab will be announced soon!

Upcoming Business Lab Events

There are no upcoming events at this time

Hannah Grimes Food Biz Lab


The tuition for Business Lab! is $700.

Tuition may be waived for qualifying applicants. More than 60% of Hannah Grimes clients qualify for a full scholarship. Hannah Grimes staff will let you know if you qualify during your intake appointment.

A non-refundable deposit ($100) is requested in advance of the class. The remaining cost of the class is due before the first day. Both may be paid online.

Application Process

  1. Please complete our New Client Form.
  2. Schedule a meeting with our Program Director to discuss fit for the Food Business Lab™.
  3. Complete a Food Business Lab™ application.
  4. Applications will be reviewed and applicants will be contacted before the start of the class to confirm program acceptance or schedule an additional interview, if necessary.

*As you complete each step in the application process, you will receive the link to complete the following step.

Reach out to Our Program Director, email to schedule a meeting or to ask any questions about the program!

This class will be taught by Jim Verzino, president of Food Creators Financial and Chris Janke, food entrepreneur and founder of Small Business Butter. Not ready for Food Business Lab, but need support? You can meet with both Jim and Chris up to three times for free through our 1:1 coaching services!

Reach out to Our Program Director, email to schedule a meeting or to ask any questions about the program!

This class will be taught by Jim Verzino, president of Food Creators Financial and Chris Janke, food entrepreneur and founder of Small Business Butter. Not ready for Food Business Lab, but need support? You can meet with both Jim and Chris up to three times for free through our 1:1 coaching services!

Thinking of starting your business?
Call us to get started!