Peter Hansel

Topics: Commercial Solar

Peter had a 47-year career at family-owned Filtrine Manufacturing Co. before retiring in 2020. He continues to serve on their board. He has lived in Keene, NH since 1979 with his wife, Bridget, where they raised four children. While at Filtrine, he oversaw the installation of a 1 million BTU woodchip boiler in 2017 to reduce the company’s dependence on fossil fuel by 90%. In 2019, the company installed a 793 kW (DC) solar array on the roof of its Keene facility using over 2,200 solar panels, the largest roof-top array in the region at the time.

Following his passion for environmental sustainability, he has served as Chairman of the Keene Conservation Commission, Chairman the Board of the Harris Center for Conservation Education and is current President of the Monadnock Conservancy. He also served as chair of Keene’s Energy and Climate Committee.

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