Basic Bookkeeping in QuickBooks Online

Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship 25 Roxbury Street, Keene, NH, United States

Take control of your small business finances with our practical, hands-on QuickBooks Online workshop series. Designed for micro and small business owners, this three-part series will guide you step-by-step from […]

Event Series Winter Farmer Gathering

Winter Farmer Gathering

Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship 25 Roxbury Street, Keene, NH, United States

The Monadnock Winter Farmer Gatherings are an opportunity for local farmers to connect and engage in peer to peer learning with facilitated conversations and a potluck dinner. We’ll provide the main, you bring the sides! Families are welcome and some children’s activities will be provided. These gatherings are for you if: You are a producer in the Monadnock Region You are looking for peer to peer time with other local producers You are interested in learning alongside our region’s agricultural service providers You want to share time and meals with friends this winter Please register for each of the dates […]


From Idea to Reality: Build Your Business Model Canvas with AI

Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship 25 Roxbury Street, Keene, NH, United States

Have a great business idea but not sure how to bring it to life? This interactive workshop is designed for aspiring small business owners ready to turn their vision into […]

Event Series Winter Farmer Gathering

Winter Farmer Gathering

Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship 25 Roxbury Street, Keene, NH, United States

The Monadnock Winter Farmer Gatherings are an opportunity for local farmers to connect and engage in peer to peer learning with facilitated conversations and a potluck dinner. We’ll provide the […]


Event Series Winter Farmer Gathering

Winter Farmer Gathering

Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship 25 Roxbury Street, Keene, NH, United States

The Monadnock Winter Farmer Gatherings are an opportunity for local farmers to connect and engage in peer to peer learning with facilitated conversations and a potluck dinner. We’ll provide the […]
